Client: Personal Work
Instructor: Molly "River" Jukes-Hudson

Linguistic Sculpture is a book project based on an exhibition I made up. The exhibition features six artists who use language as a subject matter in their works: Hanne Darboven, Joseph Kosuth, John Baldessari, Hans Haacke, On Kawara, and Lawrence Weiner. The logo includes handwritten letters inspired by Hanne Darboven’s work.

The book consists mainly of two sections: image spreads, and essay spreads. I use a black background for image spreads because many works are drawn or painted on a white background. Also, black backgrounds work as a signal differentiating enough from the essay sections with white backgrounds.

For the essay section, I use dramatic indent for quotes since the layout keeps a classic and minimal structure. Number name is used for page numbers instead of numerals to put more emphasis on language.

Instead of using full colors for an image, images in the essay sections are printed in a monotone. I use brackets for captions throughout the book, as well as page numbers to emphasize the information inside brackets. 

For the poster of the exhibition and the book, I used the image of Joseph Kosuth’s neon work. I made the museum name and the artists’ names look neon so that the image and the type co-exist together in the poster.
©YUKI MURAYAMAillustrator/desginertempura restaurant